Millions of voices emanate around the world!   Your voice matters!



Return of Hostages & Prisoners of war.

Millions of Jews worldwide demand that your slaughter of children and innocent adults, Mr. Netanyahu, is “NOT IN OUR NAME.”

Mr. Netanyahu,

Respectfully, it’s time to stand aside. You’ve given your all to Israel.

Unfortunately, despite your best intention to eradicate Hamas, your failure to see a simplicity, demands your resignation. You & your government are leaving a legacy, a guarantee to the people of Israel that many of their offspring will be slaughtered, as a result of your government’s actions. THAT IS YOUR LEGACY.

You will fail to eliminate Hamas and in doing so, ensure the inevitable, enormous expansion of Hamas membership for generations to come and the eventual repeat of 7-10 in a far more sophisticated and heinous manner, upon Israelis.

After 7-10-2023, many youths of Israel will grow with a deep hatred of those who slaughtered their mother, and/or father, and/or siblings, harboring a fervent, festering desire for revenge. Others will seek justice and an existence at peace.

After October 7, 2023, many youths of Gaza will grow with a deep hatred of those who slaughtered their mother, and/or father, and/or siblings, harboring a fervent, festering desire for revenge. Others will seek justice and an existence at peace.

The math of the progression is SO VERY simple.

1, 139 Israelis, including children, were killed by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023.

31,000+ Palestinians have been killed by Israel in the 24 weeks following Oct 7, 2023, including over 10,000 children.  10, 000 children slaughtered under your command.


The philosophy “They kill 1 Israeli, we kill 10 of them” didn’t work.

The philosophy “They kill 1 Israeli, we kill 100 of them” didn’t work.

The philosophy “They kill 1 Israeli, we kill 10,000 of them” WILL NOT work.

More so, many Palestinians, including children, are destined to die from lack of water, food and/or medicine, as some are bombed, while others are being denied vital sustenance, being held in an inhumane imprisonment by Israel.

Sound familiar? Nazis?

That responsibility for mass slaying of men, women & children, as happened with Nazis, is now happening to people of Gaza, 2023-2024 by you, Mr. Neyanyahu and your government.

Stand aside, Mr. Neyanyahu.

 Under your watch, Mossad, once-revered as the best intelligence network globally, has become an object of ridicule. That Hamas entered and murdered so many on 7-10, on your watch ……………….. what part of responsibility do you bear, Mr. Netanyahu?

Step 1.  Cease hostiliities. End the war in Gaza. Accept Hamas offer to exchange prisoners.

Step 2. Face the Israeli people for your government’s negligence, leading to the slaughter of 1,139 Israelis.

Respectfully, it’s time to step aside, Mr. Netanyahu. 

 Although it would be impossible under your government, people of Israel can co-exist with people of Palestine, PEACEFULLY; some immediately, others in time. It will take time to heal the wounds of your blindness.

Israel deserves a man of vision; a vision of justice for all in a shared land.

Recommended reading:


Go to PALESTINE ROCS  initiative

PALESTINE ROCS (Recovery Over Covid Support)

It’s an initiative by the youngest generation – Gen3M

Simultaneously, ROCS: To bring the Gaza economy back to pre-war levels, massive consumer spending is needed, which needs people being employed, earning income. Gen3M can help, even though we’re mostly all students. Our promises have value. Gen3M has set up a Futures Fund. Continued on P2